PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE Lythrum salicaria & Lythrum virgatum ![]() Description: Purple loosestrife has angled 20-59 inch (50-150 em) tall stems that emerge from a woody rootstock. Lance-shaped 1-4 inch (3-lO cm,) long leaves attach directly to the stem, and often have fine hairs on their surface. The leaves may be opposite, in whorls of three, or spiraled around the stem. This seems to be related to the number of sides on a stem: four-sided stems have opposite leaves, five-sided stems have leaves in a spiral arrangement, and six-sided stems have leaves in whorls. All three stem types can be found on a single loosestrife plant. Clusters of magenta flowers are produced in leafaxils on a terminal spike. Each flower has 5-7 narrow petals 0.3-0.5 inches (7-12 mm) long that are wrinkled with a tissue paper consistency. The seeds produced are tiny but great in number. Mature loosestrife plants yield up to 2.7 million seeds per year that have the ability to remain viable in the soil for years before germination. ![]() Similar Species: There are several species of native flowering plants that are often mistaken for purple loosestrife so it is important to correctly identify the plant in question before taking steps toward control. Native plants that are commonly mistaken for purple loosestrife include blazing-star/gayfeather (Liatris pycnostachya), fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium), blue vervain (Verbena hastata), winged loosestrife (Lythrum alatum), and swamp loosestrife (Decodon verticillatus). Management and Control: Purple loosestrife can be controlled using mechanical, chemical, and biological means. The best treatment plan depends mainly on the size and density of the infested site. Small to medium, 0.1-2 acres (0.04-0.8 hectare) sites with low to medium density of loosestrife plants (1 - 60) are best managed using mechanical and selective chemical treatments. Herbicides kill all plants, so careful application is necessary and a permit is needed from the Wisconsin DNR before applying herbicides in or near waterbodies. Permit fees are waived for controlling purple loosestrife. Large sites with high density of loosestrife are best managed through means of biological control using Galerucella sp. beetles available through the WDNR. wiki.bugwood.org/Archive:BCIPEUS/Purple_Loosestrife |
PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE Lythrum salicaria & Lythrum virgatum ![]() Description: Purple loosestrife has angled 20-59 inch (50-150 em) tall stems that emerge from a woody rootstock. Lance-shaped 1-4 inch (3-lO cm,) long leaves attach directly to the stem, and often have fine hairs on their surface. The leaves may be opposite, in whorls of three, or spiraled around the stem. This seems to be related to the number of sides on a stem: four-sided stems have opposite leaves, five-sided stems have leaves in a spiral arrangement, and six-sided stems have leaves in whorls. All three stem types can be found on a single loosestrife plant. Clusters of magenta flowers are produced in leafaxils on a terminal spike. Each flower has 5-7 narrow petals 0.3-0.5 inches (7-12 mm) long that are wrinkled with a tissue paper consistency. The seeds produced are tiny but great in number. Mature loosestrife plants yield up to 2.7 million seeds per year that have the ability to remain viable in the soil for years before germination. ![]() Similar Species: There are several species of native flowering plants that are often mistaken for purple loosestrife so it is important to correctly identify the plant in question before taking steps toward control. Native plants that are commonly mistaken for purple loosestrife include blazing-star/gayfeather (Liatris pycnostachya), fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium), blue vervain (Verbena hastata), winged loosestrife (Lythrum alatum), and swamp loosestrife (Decodon verticillatus). Management and Control: Purple loosestrife can be controlled using mechanical, chemical, and biological means. The best treatment plan depends mainly on the size and density of the infested site. Small to medium, 0.1-2 acres (0.04-0.8 hectare) sites with low to medium density of loosestrife plants (1 - 60) are best managed using mechanical and selective chemical treatments. Herbicides kill all plants, so careful application is necessary and a permit is needed from the Wisconsin DNR before applying herbicides in or near waterbodies. Permit fees are waived for controlling purple loosestrife. Large sites with high density of loosestrife are best managed through means of biological control using Galerucella sp. beetles available through the WDNR. wiki.bugwood.org/Archive:BCIPEUS/Purple_Loosestrife |